Saturday, May 21, 2011


So what I hear is that the world is ending soon...

Yes its probably true but do we really know when? I believe that when God is ready to take us home that He will. Jesus will come down and take us.

I know I haven't been the best daughter of Christ in...a long time, but I try to be good and try to live by what my Father in Heaven wants me to do. I have been lost and pushed God out of my life because of the things that's been happening in it. I'm not proud of it. I'm scared that I pushed Him too far gone out of my life, but I really haven't. I go to church every Sunday, but that's just being a Sunday Christain. Now if I was a better Christain I would be able to tell you what I learn in the Bible faster than I can now. I used to be really good at remembering what Bible verses...but now, life is...complicated. I don't like it.

I feel like I was lost before my dad died and now I have a gut feeling that...I'll be lost forever. My head is doubting and my gut is telling me something. I know what I need to do, is just doing it is the problem. I'm scared of the pain to die. I'm scared that I'll be alone when the time comes. But these fears need to go away like now...but I am only human. So I'm going to write this prayer...

You are amazing. You gave me life and kept me safe. I've taken them for granted for so long that I got lost in the world and haven't gone to You when I needed You the most. I'm sorry for disapointing You and I'm sorry for not trusting you like I should. I pray that people will see You through me and that I can make you proud of me. I would like to be with You when You're ready to have me with You. I know I say this but the people down here are predicting when Jesus is coming and when the world is going to end, but I have to listen to You and wait for You to come get me. Because You already know this but its Your time that I'm waiting for, not mine. Thank you Lord for blessing me and loving me. I give You my heart and soul a long time ago, but I really need to give it to You again. I love You Lord and I thank you.
Love Your Daughter,

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